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Internal Medicine

Combining fast action with compassionate care

The internal medicine service at Swift is a specialist-led service which deals with a wide range of disorders, the most common of which are listed below. The vets on this service have over 40 years of collective experience in referral medicine. In order to provide an exceptional level of care to patients referred to us we have state of the art facilities including CT, MRI, a fully equipped endoscopy suite, a canine blood bank, extensive in-house laboratory testing and a fully staffed 24/7 intensive care unit (ICU).  We also work closely with clinicians in other disciplines, in particular emergency and critical care, soft tissue surgery and cardiology and it is this collaborative approach which allows us to offer truly outstanding and compassionate care.


We offer 24/7 availability for emergency referrals. 

Disorders covered by the internal medicine service include:

  • Respiratory medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hepatology and pancreatic disease
  • Medical neurology
  • Medical oncology including an outpatient chemotherapy service for cats and dogs receiving chemotherapy
  • Haematology and transfusion medicine
  • Cardiology (In conjunction with Dr Sue Roberts MRCVS, our visiting cardiologist)

Key Benefits

  • Specialist led service with decades of experience in referral medicine

  • Fully staffed intensive care facility allowing 24/7 delivery of intensive care

  • Collaboration with other disciplines including soft tissue surgery, cardiology and emergency and critical care

  • 24/7 availability for emergency referrals

  • State of the art equipment including CT, MRI, ultrasound, endoscopy and an in house laboratory

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Senior Clinicians

Rory Bell - Internal Medicine Specialist

Rory Bell

Rory Bell MVB DSAM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS FHEA Internal Medicine Specialist
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Bethan Warner - Internal Medicine

Bethan Warner

Bethan Warner BVSc CertAVP(SAM) PgCertVPS MRCVS Internal Medicine
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Rachel Walker - Medical Team Leader

Rachel Walker

Rachel Walker RVN Medical Team Leader
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Medicine Nurses

Alice Frielick - Senior Medical Nurse

Alice Frielick

Alice Frielick RVN Senior Medical Nurse
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