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Orthopaedics Prices

Consultation Fees Standard Price
Orthopaedic Primary Consultation £270
Orthopaedic Repeat Consultation £119
Follow Up Ortho Including sedation and 2 X-Rays £587
Emergency consultation £297
OOH Emergency consultation £432
OOH Emergency consultation after midnight £648
Fixed Fees  
TPLO* £3600
Bilateral TPLO £5800
Patella Luxation with CT  £3800
Patella Luxation bilateral with CT  £4800
Patella Luxation - without CT £2800
Patella Luxation bilateral - without CT £4320

*Price shown is for pets under 50kg. If your pet weighs 50Kg+ our fixed price for TPLO is £4000.

All the above includes first consultation, imaging, surgery, suture removal, re-check X-rays, two
weeks’ worth of NSAID on discharge and a 12-month surgical warranty.

Exclusions apply. Prices are correct as of 5th August 2024.

1 joint with CT £4500
1 joint without CT £3750
2 joint with CT £5000
2 joint without CT £4250
All the above are Fixed fees, no warranty or re-check included. 
Other Fixed Fees  
Amputation - Any limb, consult, hosp X-rays £3800
Angular limb deformity - surgery  £6500
Angular limb deformity - surgery second leg  £4500
Elbow CT IOHC Screw Placement Unilateral £3818
Elbow CT IOHC Screw Placement Bilateral £4727
PAUL Procedure inc. CT and Arthroscopy £5455
Arthrodesis - PCA £5500
Arthrodesis - Elbow, Shoulder, Stifle £6000
Arthrodesis - Partial Tarsal £4500
Arthrodesis - Pan Tarsal £6000
All the above are fixed fees, one re-check included 
Fractures - Fixed Fees  
1.Simple Fracture (Cross-pins ,Tension band wiring, External Fixator Type 1) £3200
Bilateral  £3800
2.Standard Fracture (External fixator Type 2, Plate fixation, Plate-Rod fixation, Simple Pelvic fracture) £4400
Bilateral  £5200
3. Complex Fracture (Y or T Humeral Bicondylar fracture, Complex pelvic fracture) £5600
Bilateral  £6600

All the above includes first consultation, imaging, surgery, suture removal, re-check X-rays, two
weeks’ worth of NSAID on discharge and a 12-month surgical warranty.

Exclusions apply. Prices are correct as of 5th August 2024.

Complex multi limb fractures are not included within our fixed fee packages and are estimate on a case by case basis.
Collateral Ligament Repair and ESF £4860
Collateral Ligament Repair and ESF + TPLO £5940
Hock Arthrotomy and OCD Removal £3510
Hock Shearing Injury inc. ESF £4320
Achilles Tendonopathy CCT Screw and Cast £3535
Achilles Tendonopathy CCT Screw, Cast and Tendon Repair £4124
Shoulder Arthrotomy for OCD inc. CT £3535
Medial Shoulder Stabilisation £4812
UAP Repair inc. Osteotomy Screw and CT £4124
Elbow Luxation £4812
Radial Carpal Bone Repair inc. CT £4124
Collateral Ligament Repair and ESF £4812
Lameness Work Up  
Inv inc. Consultation, GA, Radiography and arthrocentesis, cytology £1800
Inv inc. CT Scan, Consultation, GA, Radiography and arthrocentesis, cytology £2200
Inv inc. MRI Scan, CT Scan, Consult, GA, Radiography and arthrocentesis, cytology £5500