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Internal Medicine Prices


Please note that we do not offer a ‘consultation only’ service for critically ill patients

  Standard Price
Initial Consultation £270
Re-examination £119
Chemo Repeat Consultation £54
Emergency Consultation £297
OOH Emergency Consultation £432
OOH Emergency Consultation after Midnight £648

Specific Disease Conditions

Price includes consult, note that these are estimates only.

  Standard Price
Gastrointestinal Disease  
Endoscopic FB removal from oesophagus / stomach - Includes general anaesthesia, CT and endoscopy £3780 - £4860
Investigation of chronic vomiting / diarrhoea - Includes blood tests, faecal analysis, general anaesthesia, CT and endoscopy with biopsies £4860 - £5940
Investigation and management of acutely unwell patient with gastrointestinal disease - Includes blood tests, faecal analysis, diagnostic imaging, intensive care and nutritional support £4320 - £7500
Liver and Pancreas  
Investigation and treatment of jaundice - Includes Blood tests, general anaesthesia, CT, liver tissue sampling £3780 - £4860
Investigation and management of pancreatitis - Includes blood tests, CT scan, feeding tube placement, intensive care £4860 - £5940
Endocrine Disease  
Investigation of suspected hormonal disease (Cushing’s disease, thyroid disorders etc) - Includes blood tests, general anaesthesia, diagnostic imaging, tissue sampling £3750 - £3780
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis - Includes blood tests, diagnostic imaging, intensive care £4320 - £6480
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin  
Investigation of pyrexia of unknown origin - Includes blood tests, general anaesthesia, CT scans, tissue sampling £4860 - £5940
Urinary Tract Disease  
Investigation of proteinuria / haematuria / lower urinary tract disease - Includes blood tests, urinalysis, diagnostic imaging, cystoscopy, tissue sampling £3780 - £4860
Management of acute kidney injury / failure - Includes blood tests, urinalysis, diagnostic imaging, intensive care £4320 - £6480
Investigation and management of chronic kidney disease - Includes blood tests, urinalysis, diagnostic imaging £2700 - £3780
Haematological Disease  
Anaemia / thrombocytopenia / coagulopathy - Includes blood tests, general anaesthesia, CT scan, bone marrow sampling and one transfusion £5400 - £5940
Respiratory Disease  
Investigation of cough / sneeze / nasal discharge - Includes blood tests, general anaesthesia, CT scan, endoscopy and diagnostic sampling £3240 - £3780
Foreign body removal from nose / trachea / bronchus - Includes general anaesthesia, CT scan and endoscopy £2700 - £3240
Investigation and management of dyspnoea - Includes intensive care, diagnostic imaging, endoscopy and tissue sampling £5400 - £6480
Investigation and medical management of pleural space disease - Includes intensive care, diagnostic imaging, tissue sampling, chest drain placement £5940 - £7020
Consultation and echocardiography £1051.20
Management of known / diagnosed heart failure - Includes intensive care, diagnostic imaging, blood tests, ECG analysis £3780
Investigation / staging of solid tumours - Includes blood tests, general anaesthesia, CT scan, tissue sampling (non surgical) £2916 - £3780
Chemotherapy POA