Follow Up Appointments
Follow up appointments are a key part in your pets recovery. We know your pet may seem to be back to their normal self-following surgery, however we still expect you and your pet to attend a follow up consultation and X-rays at 6 weeks. Failure to attend your follow up appointment will result in your warranty being revoked.
Keep Us Up To Date
We are available throughout the night, even if it’s only for advice, to put both you and your pet at ease during their recovery. If you’re having any concerns then please always give us a call.
If a post-surgical complication occurs within your 12 month warranty the treatment will be covered by Swift Referrals. This does not apply to spinal procedures that have their own 28 day warranty in which this only applies to the surgical site and does not cover protrusion of adjacent disks.
Fine Print
1. All post-surgical complications must be presented to Swift Referrals without delay. Your Post-surgical warranty will only cover those treatments performed by Swift Referrals.
2. Your warranty will be activated upon settlement of the invoice (in accordance with our normal terms and conditions).
3. If you do require further medication on top of the two weeks you are provided with, then you can collect this from Swift Referrals or your primary practice but this will incur a cost. Medication covered in the packages are pain relief (paracetamol and NSAID) and a short course of antibiotic if indicated.