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Swift Referrals offer a specialist-led neurosurgical and neurology service.
Written by Roxanne Murray RVN, Ward Nurse. As a Referral Ward Nurse at Swift Referrals, the most rewarding part of my role is providing patient care.
An Insight into our ECC Department at Swift Emergencies
We are delighted to announce that we are hosting a pet first aid morning on Saturday 20th July.
Free BOAS consultation for brachycephalic pets during June 2024 at Swift Referrals
Our superb orthopaedic team is made up of four members who are integral to providing a trusted orthopaedic surgery referral service at Swift Referrals.
Caring For Your Dog After Surgery or Illness
What it is and how we use it
Dr Alasdair Ossian Frost discusses the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment optionsfor patella luxation in the dog.
Does my pet need a total ear canal ablation?
Gastrointestinal lymphoma is one of the most common types of lymphoma in cats.
Lymphoma is a cancer of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that arises outside the bone marrow.